论坛后分享 — 立信德豪数位转型论坛2023
论坛后分享 — 立信德豪数位转型论坛2023
立信德豪数位转型论坛2023于2023年2月8日在香港会议展览中心完满举行。立信德豪非审计部董事总经理江智蛟发表欢迎辞为论坛拉开序幕。我们借此衷心感谢所有在论坛上分享对科技和相关实践最新发展的见解的讲者。立信德豪董事兼风险谘询主管郑文汉致闭幕词,结束是日论坛。近 200 位来宾出席了论坛。
- Andrew Yung, Senior Manager of Digital Transformation Services, BDO in Hong Kong
- Eric Pat, Director of Specialist Advisory, BDO in Hong Kong
- Philip Fung, CIO, Information Technology Services, BDO in Hong Kong
- Pokit Lok, Principal of Risk Advisory, BDO in Hong Kong
- Simon Ma, Senior Manager of Risk Advisory, BDO in Hong Kong
- Damon Greber, Director, Head of Risk Advisory BDO in Jersey
- Kimberley Lockley, ROBUS Product Manager of BDO in Jersey
- Nevellan Moodley, Head of Financial Services Technology and FSD, BDO in South Africa
- Jaco Cromhout, Chief Operating Officer and Founder, Converge Solutions
- Lynn Davidson, Head of Risk and Compliance, Converge Solutions
- Sargon Lunderstedt, Head of Forensics, Converge Solutions
- Kevin Young, Vice President, Technology Solutions, CSOP Asset Management
- Welland Chu, Alliance Director, APAC at Thales
Johnson Kong
Pokit Lok
Welland Chu
Simon Ma
Ricky Cheng (left) presenting souvenir to Kevin Young (right)
Andrew Yung
Philip Fung
Eric Pat
Ricky Cheng